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Humble Beginnings
Rainbow Homemade Ice Cream Company Limited is a family run ice cream business located in the village of Tacarigua, near the foot hills of the northern range in Trinidad. Back in 1990 when we started the business we realized that the demand for home made tropical flavors of ice cream was very high. And there is no other natural food product that is so sincerely loved like ice cream. We felt we could get a good return on our investment and so we decided to make a small investment in an ice cream business. It was meant only to be a part time run operation. We first registered Rainbow Home Made Ice Cream in 1990 as a sole trading business entity. It’s operation was based in Diego Martin where we manufactured the ice cream and then retailed it from an ice cream cart in Valsayn, Trinidad.
More On Rain Homemade Ice cream
It is like a temptation to eat ice cream instead of something that is better for you.
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